Viewers to ITV’s Lorraine show where left shocked today as they performed a live testcular cancer check by Dr Hilary Jones on the show before 9AM.
All week on Lorraine Kellys show they have a segment on the show callled ‘check your chaps’ and the main focas is to get men to check their private parts for lumps.
Well the check on todays show hasnt gone down well as the show has recieved lots of complaintes on social networking sites.
One person took to the ITV website and aired their views as they said:
‘Eating my breakfast with my one-year-old granddaughter, I didn’t want to see this at breakfast time. Time and a place for things like this, I love Lorraine but this is distasteful for morning viewing. Sorry,’
Twitter user @RobBot posted,
‘Just turned ITV on while eating my toast to be faced with a pair of testicles, not what I expected #CheckYourChaps #Lorraine’
Yes we agree with these peoples comments but at the end of the day if it wasnt publicised on the TV men wouldnt think about doing it!